Fisher Associates have extensive experience consulting within the ferry and transport maritime sector. Ferries are often a vital component to the support of sustainable population, especially those found in remote island locations.
For more information on each of our projects focusing on the ferry industry, you can use our portfolio excerpts below.
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Market Assessment and Revenue Appraisal, Aberdeen Harbour, Scotland
Business Needs, Business Plan, Communities, Cruise, Developed Economies, Ferries, Financial Appraisal, Marine Energy, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Oil & Gas, Private Sector, Regions, Renewables, Scotland, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK

Market and Opportunity Assessment, North East Port, England
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Container Terminals, Cruise, Cruise Terminals, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Financial Appraisal, Marine Energy, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Oil & Gas, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Renewables, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK

Port Traffic Projections Review, Jersey Ports
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Marinas, Marine Leisure, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK

Harbour Management Plan, Oban Harbour, Scotland
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Management, Marine Leisure, Public Sector, Sectors, Service Review, Shipping, Skills

UK Port Traffic Forecasting Model
Bulk Shipping, Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Cruise, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Marine Energy, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Public Sector, Regions, Renewables, Scotland, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK, Wales

Review of Cornwall Harbours, England
Business Needs, Catching, Communities, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Fisheries & Seafood, Marine Leisure, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, Strategic Plan, Strategy, UK, Value for Money Review

Waterway Ferry Services Feasibility Study, Manila, Philippines
Asia, Business Needs, Communities, Economies in Transition, Feasibility Study, Ferries, International Agencies, PPP & Privatisation, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, South East Asia & Far East, Strategy, Waterways

Port Development Assessment, Port of Poole, England
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Communities, Cruise, Cruise Terminals, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Marinas, Marine Energy, Marine Leisure, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Renewables, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK