Port Development Assessment, Port of Poole, England
Poole Harbour Commissioners developed a number of options for expansion / modification of some of the existing berths as set out in the Draft Port Masterplan. Fisher Associates was engaged to: (2012)
- Identify the market requirements for key sectors including cruise, renewables and dry cargo trades.
- Consider the characteristics of demand in these sectors.
- Consider shipping issues for each of these, including a detailed assessment of trends in ship size.
- Develop conclusions related to the analysis, and also from a wider strategic perspective.
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Communities, Cruise, Cruise Terminals, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Marinas, Marine Energy, Marine Leisure, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Renewables, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK