Rest of UK
At Fisher Associates, our team of international maritime consultants have extensive experience working throughout the UK. For islands and communities in more extreme or isolated locations, the maritime industry is an essential need. Our team have previous undertaken projects in locations including the Falkland Island, Jersey Ports and Guernsey.
For more information on our previous assignments throughout the rest of the UK, you can use our portfolio excerpts below.
Contact UsPort Traffic Projections Review, Jersey Ports
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Marinas, Marine Leisure, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK
Maritime Policy and Legislation Review, Falkland Islands
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Island Nations, Management, Maritime & Shipping Regulation, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Service Review, Skills, Strategy, UK
Offshore Support Base Study, Falkland Islands
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Free Zones & Logistics, Marine Energy, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Oil & Gas, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Ports & Harbours, PPP & Privatisation, Private Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Skills, UK
Review of Guernsey Harbours
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Island Nations, Management, Marine Leisure, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Service Review, Shipping, Skills, UK
Value for Money Audit, Jersey Coastguard
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Island Nations, Management, Maritime & Shipping Regulation, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Skills, UK, Value for Money Review
Stevedoring Services Review, Jersey
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Island Nations, Management, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Service Review, Skills, UK
Ramsey Marina Economic Impact Study, Isle of Man
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Economic Analysis, Economic Impact Analysis, Marinas, Marine Leisure, Ports & Harbours, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Skills, UK
Commercialisation Study, Jersey
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Financial Appraisal, Island Nations, Management, Marinas, Marine Leisure, Ports & Harbours, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK, Value for Money Review