Geographical and maritime changes take place in “real time” throughout Europe, and Fisher Associates have extensive experience working in countries that were formally referred to as Central or Eastern Europe.
For more information on each of our projects throughout the rest of Europe, you can use our portfolio excerpts below.
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Ferry Study and Port Development Plan, Malta
Business Needs, Communities, Cruise, Cruise Terminals, Developed Economies, Economic Analysis, Europe, Ferries, Financial Appraisal, Marinas, Marine Leisure, Market Assessment, Other, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Ports & Harbours, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills

BOT Appraisal for Zagreb Airport, Croatia
Air Transport, Aviation, Business Needs, Business Plan, Communities, Developed Economies, Europe, Financial Appraisal, Other, PPP & Privatisation, Private Sector, Regions, Sectors, Skills

Wroclaw Logistics Centre Evaluation, Poland
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Economic Analysis, Europe, Feasibility Study, Financial Appraisal, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Multimodal, Other, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Skills

Shipka Road / Tunnel, Bulgaria
Business Needs, Business Plan, Communities, Developed Economies, Europe, Financial Appraisal, Multimodal, Other, PPP & Privatisation, Private Sector, Regions, Sectors, Skills

Review of Ferry Company, NW Europe
Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Ferries, Management, Other, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, Value for Money Review

Vah River Navigability Study, Slovak Republic
Business Needs, Developed Economies, Europe, Feasibility Study, Financial Appraisal, Market Assessment, Other, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Skills, Strategic Plan, Waterways

Review of State Aid to CGM
Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Developed Economies, Europe, Management, Other, Public Sector, Regions, Shipping, Skills, Value for Money Review