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Maritime Policy and Legislation Review, Falkland Islands

Maritime Policy and Legislation Review, Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) was undertaking a programme of initiatives in readiness for the further exploration and future production of hydrocarbons from offshore fields that lie within the Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone. This included implementation of a modern maritime jurisdiction to underpin the safe economic use of its waters for the foreseeable future.

Fisher Associates was thus commissioned to advise on preparing fit for purpose maritime laws and regulations, against a policy framework to provide a coherent, modern and relevant Maritime Code in preparation for forthcoming marine based economic developments. (2013)

There were several steps to developing the new framework:

  • Pinpointing the high level objectives that the laws and regulations must deliver.
  • Crystalising the approach and shape of the legal and regulatory framework.
  • Identifying the key policy issues, and proposing policies for these issues in terms of:
    • What the policy is?
    • What is its purpose?
    • The scope of the policy?
  • Preparing an outline structure for the laws and regulations that will address these policies.

Developing instructions for legal drafting.

Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, Island Nations, Management, Maritime & Shipping Regulation, Public Sector, Regions, Rest of UK, Sectors, Service Review, Skills, Strategy, UK