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Service Review, Langstone Harbour, UK

Service Review, Langstone Harbour, UK

Langstone Harbour Board commissioned Fisher Associates to undertake a Service Review. This was required because the two local authorities that supported the harbour with a financial operating subsidy decided that they no longer wished to continue this. There was thus a need to eliminate this either by cutting costs, finding new revenues, or increasing charges.

We therefore undertook a value for money review including:

  • The institutional framework that set out the basis for LHB, how this was applied (through governance), and how its strategic role was communicated (the strategy and management plan).
  • A business review, which considered the revenue base, and the overall financial outcomes for the last 5 years.
  • A review of staffing, and operation of the various facilities and services provided by LHB.

Recommendations were then made on how the organisation could improve economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, with a view to placing the organisation on a self-sustaining financial footing. This was achieved with reference to benchmarking LHB against several other harbour authorities with similar characteristics. (2013)

Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, England, Management, Marine Leisure, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Service Review, Skills, UK