Audit of Assets and Capabilities, Liverpool SuperPort, UK
The Mersey Partnership (TMP) commissioned Fisher Associates to carry out an audit of the physical assets in the ports, airport and distribution sectors that make up the SuperPort, and to identify the capabilities of the companies and other organisations that provide support services to it. We were also tasked to review the competitiveness of these.
This information was collated in a client database, which formed the main deliverable of this work. We also prepared a report with analysis of the competitiveness of the different assets and capabilities using criteria for strategic analysis (from the BCG Matrix and Porter’s 5 Forces), based on the judgements of some 20 key stakeholder organisations gathered via a workshop session. (2010)
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Container Terminals, Cruise Terminals, Developed Economies, England, Maritime Cluster, Maritime Education & Training, Maritime Services, Ports & Harbours, Professional Services, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Service Review, Shipping, Shipyard & Boatyard, Skills, Strategy, UK