Inter-Island Transport Study, Cape Verde Islands
We were appointed by the World Bank to undertake an Inter-Island Transport Study for the Republic of Cape Verde.
The Islands are located in the mid-Atlantic Ocean some 570 km (354 miles) off the west coast of Africa. The archipelago consists of 10 islands and 5 islets, divided into the windward (Barlavento) and leeward (Sotavento) groups:
- Barlavento: Santo Anttao, Sao Vicente, Santa Luzia, Sao Nicolau, Sal, and Boa Vista.
- Sotavento: Maio, Santiago, Fogo, and Brava.
All but Santa Luzia are inhabited. Population totals 0.5 million, ranging from a few thousand to 270,000 on the most populous island.
The two defining characteristics of the Islands are thus their small populations and their peripherality. Interconnectivity among the Islands of Cape Verde is considered a binding constraint for economic growth and development. So the problem addressed by this study was not transport per se – it wasessentially poverty, and the impact that improved accessibility would have on alleviating this.
The three-point objective of the study includes:
- Review the status of inter-island water transport and aviation services.
- Determine constraints to their development.
- Develop strategies for improving services.
The study involves: a comprehensive review of the maritime and aviation services for domestic connectivity and accessibility; identify passenger and freight flows between islands; key financial and operational constraints in the two systems; relative viability of each system; the competition and complementarities across sea and air transport; and cost effective ways to organize a reliable and efficient transport system across the Islands using a combination of air and sea transport options.
Our approach to undertaking the assignment included questioning:
- Where are we now?
- What do people need?
- What are our objectives?
- How do we achieve these?
In brief, the methodology included Baseline Review, Institiutional Analysis, Demand and Supply side reviews and development of a transport model to undertake an Inter-Island transport System Appraisal, and review of Private Sector Participation. In addition to a programme of consultation for key stakeholders, the work included a survey of origins / destinations and transport needs at ports and airports.