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Structural Review, Port of Shoreham, England

Structural Review, Port of Shoreham, England

Shoreham Port commissioned Fisher Associates to undertake a Review of Structural Change in response to the requirements of “Modernising Trust Ports [second edition]”. This required the Port of Shoreham to report to the UK Department for Transport on its analysis of structural change, and to explain and justify its intended course of action.

We assessed the opportunity for structural change at Shoreham Port, and the impact that this might have on enhancing efficiency and value from assets. We considered various options for the Port of Shoreham, for example remaining a Trust Port as is, or a variation of this, and other institutional / ownership models. The review included (2009/10):

  • The performance of the port.
  • Key proposals for structural change and the rationale for these.
  • Conclusions and recommendations.
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Catching, Communities, Developed Economies, England, Fisheries & Seafood, Management, Marinas, Marine Energy, Marine Leisure, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Renewables, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK, Value for Money Review