Logistics Skills Assessment, UK
Fisher Associates was appointed by Halton Borough Council to assess future skills needs generated by 3MG (Mersey Multimodal Gateway). (2007)
This is a major new rail / road freight handling and logistics park at Ditton covering roughly 180 hectares. It will build upon the established assets of the location to create a sustainable 21st century freight park which is a flagship for the region and which will create up to 5,000 new jobs.
To support this, Halton Borough Council and its partners established a 3MG Skills Steering Group in order to understand the current and potential future skills needs of the logistics, warehousing and distribution, freight and haulage companies that will be inward investing into the site. Our brief was to
- Identify the current demand for skills from logistics sector related companies in Halton.
- Identify the likely future demand for skills by volume and vocational area from logistics companies locating on the 3MG site over the next 2 to 3 years.
- Make a quick audit of the provision / training available in Halton for Apprenticeships, Further Education and Train to Gain (from across the North West) and through specialist providers such as Logistics College North West, highlighting any gaps.
Make recommendations of how these future employment opportunities can be made accessible to Halton’s long term unemployed adults resident in NRF areas.