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Conservation of the Historic Environment in Ports and Harbours

Conservation of the Historic Environment in Ports and Harbours

Cultural heritage and the historic environment feature heavily in UK ports and harbours thanks to our rich maritime history – the product of the UK’s leading position in the development of world trade in recent centuries. Within this context, English Heritage wished to engage with port owners and operators to consider the importance and benefits of the historic environment and heritage assets within their boundaries, and appointed Fisher Associates to carry out a review to support this aim, with a particular interest in the buildings and structures of historic interest and importance within dock-side areas of ports and harbours.

The study will draw on best practice and industry views to assess lessons learned and win-win proposals for enhancing conservation. This will include a range of options including improved liaison, specific mechanisms such as voluntary Heritage Partnership Agreements, and improving the visibility of the historic environment in more formal measures such as Guidance on Port Masterplans.

This project is funded under NHPP Measure 4 (Understanding: Assessments of Character and Significance); Topic 4A (Urban and Public Realm); Activity 4A3 (Historic Ports, Dockyards, Harbours and Coastal Resorts).

Business Needs, Communities, Developed Economies, England, Public Sector, Regions, Skills, Strategic Plan, Strategy, UK, Wales