Unit Load Port Capacity Study, Ireland
We were appointed by the Department of Transport in Ireland to advise the Government on Ireland’s unit load port capacity requirement to 2014 and beyond. The challenge is to have the right port facilities, in the right place at the right time. Our task was to prioritise a range of projects catering for unitised traffic at Irish ports from an overall strategic national perspective.
The Minister announced the findings of the report at the 2006 Irish Ports Association conference – Download press release.
The information paper published by the Department (without images to reduce file size) can be downloaded here – CLICK HERE.
To learn more about the evaluation methodology – CLICK HERE.
Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Developed Economies, Europe, Ferries, Ireland, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Public Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills