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Port & Ferry Company Valuation, Isle of Wight, UK

Port & Ferry Company Valuation, Isle of Wight, UK

On behalf of financial advisers (Drivers Jonas and Barclays Capital) to Wightlink, an integrated port and ferry company operating to the Isle of Wight, Fisher Associates were retained to benchmark various aspects of the company against industry practice in the context of a proposed bond issue (1999)

The research has focused on the activities of six ferry operators with particular attention to those operating services to island communities, and nine port operators including those engaged in combined port/shipping operations.

Focussed primarily on financial measures, the study investigated issues such as:

  • Appropriate discount rate for port evaluation.
  • Returns in the ferry industry.
  • Practice for port charges.
Business Needs, Business Plan, Communities, Developed Economies, England, Ferries, Financial Appraisal, Private Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK