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Port Cargo Demand Projections, North East Port, UK

Port Cargo Demand Projections, North East Port, UK

On behalf of a private port company, and in connection with the preparation of a Port Masterplan, Fisher Associates was commissioned under subcontract to Entec to prepare a 15 year market scenario and 30 year outlook covering the following activities: (2008)

  • Unitised traffic (containers, RoRo, trade cars).
  • General cargo.
  • Related logistics activity.

The terms of reference was based on the following activities:

  • Literature review and desk research.
  • Demand side analysis:
    • Identify key demand drivers (linke with economic growth).
    • Assess impact of exogenous factors (e.g. road pricing, shipping line strategies, technology impact).
    • Prepare high level national / regional demand scenarios linked to 3 economic growth scenarios.
  • Supply side analysis:
    • Near continent developments and transhipment trends.
    • UK port developments.
  • Prepare relevant port traffic scenarios: Base / Low / High Case.
Bulk Shipping, Bulk Terminals, Business Needs, Communities, Container Shipping, Container Terminals, Developed Economies, England, Market Assessment, Marketing Plan, Port Masterplan & Development Plan, Ports & Harbours, Private Sector, Regions, Sectors, Shipping, Skills, UK