Marina Development Strategy and Plan, China
Fisher Associates was retained by a 50:50 joint venture company between SIIC (Shanghai) Holdings Co. and Treasury Holdings to assist with development of a site within Qingdao, the location of the sailing events for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The services included: (2008/9)
1 Market Analysis: To provide a market review of the surrounding area (North East Asia) with a particular focus on the current Chinese yachting operations. The study considered pricing policy, together with the assessment of influencing factors and target markets.
2 Options and Planning:
To conduct an analysis of the target market and available water areas culminating in a design berth mix for the marina to optimize the use of the water assets.
To provide a design of the marina berthing and boatyard areas to recognise the needs and requirements of the various user groups, and to ensure the best fit with the landside development and the aspirations of delivering a waterfront scheme with wider public appeal.
3 Financial Analysis:
To provide a detailed 10 years business plan for the marina, this will then roll forward for a 50-year period. The exercise required assessment of:
- Income by proposed activity area
- Berth occupancy projections
- Seasonality factors
- Dovetailing with the development plan
- Assessment of business growth
- Detailed breakdown of expenses by category
- Sensitivity analysis
4 Marina Specification and Tender Documentation: To develop the specification and tender documentation for building new marinas in the newly constructed harbour, and in the hotel / yacht club area.