Jersey Harbours Service Review & Tariff Study
Fisher Associates was contracted to review both the internal efficiency of Jersey Harbours and the effectiveness of its external institutional environment.
The overall approach was to critically analyse the current situation at Jersey Harbours with reference to international best practice. We then made conclusions on which recommendations for change were based. The key activities included:
- An institutional review covering the external organisational and policy framework within which Jersey Harbours operates.
- A review of the activities and services provided by Jersey Harbours and in the Port of St Helier.
- A review of the management and organisation structure.
- A review of the manning and operations.
- A financial review.
- Conclusions on the core questions of efficiency and effectiveness.
We found that Jersey Harbours was constrained by institutional factors. We considered a number of possible models for institutional change:
- Transformation into a corporation (100% States owned)
- A Trust Port
- A private company.
We recommended that Jersey Harbours should be incorporated. This would achieve the creation of a more sharply focused and more objectively measurable enterprise, and provide value added services to stakeholders. Steps are currently being taken to do this (2006).