Commercial Advisers to Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia
Initially we were subcontracted in 1988 to undertake a review of traffic forecasts as part of an update to the masterplan for this major container terminal in the Straits of Johor.
Based on a review of world container markets, we concluded that the future of the terminal was finely balanced between developing as a major transhipment terminal, or developing as terminal with a much more local role. The crucial issue was for PTP the first outcome. To achieve this, it would have to utilise the full range of commercial contractual structures and concessions that had been used elsewhere in the world to generate incentives and efficient allocation of risk. This meant developing an appropriate mix of joint venture, lease, or other concession such as BOT.
We were subsequently retained directly by PTP in 1999 to advise on initial discussions with shipping lines, including making the first contacts with Maersk, which led in due course to their investment in the company.
We also developed a marketing plan for the terminal. This proposed a business philosophy and marketing strategies, and provided a structure for the Marketing Department.